Our Story

Create in me a clean heart, O God; And renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 51:10 King James Version)

Revived Remnants means walking in the life of Christ. Revived symbolizes born again and Remnants symbolizes all the brokenness being put back together for a fresh start. We are broken in all the right places, the pieces of you to make you a new creation with your love and obedience to our Heavenly Father. Nothing is impossible with God on your side, in your heart and complete focus and trust in Him. The Word of God is a love story between God and man. His unconditional love for us is everlasting. No matter what we have been through or how distant we have become, He will always be there for us if we give ourselves to Him.

At Revived Remnants, we believe that fashion can be your voice, motivator and your truth. We serve an awesome God and we want you to be able to give Him all the honor and glory through powerful messages of His word. Our mission is to provide you with a wide range of comfortable T-shirts that speaks to your faith. Browse our collections and find your next favorite outfit today.

We are dedicating our collection in memory of Pastor Dr. Roxann Dukes.  A woman that exemplified a noble and faithful servant of our Lord. She gave me guidance and understanding of the Word of God and lead me to have a closer relationship with Him. She had a humble, light filled spirit that radiated the goodness of God. Her presence could be felt from miles away. She was a true ambassador of Jesus Christ. I want to spread her simplified teachings of the Word of God to as many hearts as possible, in the way everyone can understand

Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about us and visiting our store. Stay Blessed!

P.S. Let Christ light shine through you